Sunday, September 23, 2012

People's Court Blog - 9 21 2012 - Friday

James And The Twin Sister
This is one of the saddest cases I have seen. James is suing Elizabeth for $4650.00. James is dating  Veronica, Elizabeth's twin sister. The two girls had a major fight and Veronica moved out over a year ago. The sisters have not talked to each other in all this time. One evening James, Elizabeth, Veronica, and the girls' father all met up in the parking lot where Veronica worked. There was an argument and physical fighting. The father says he tried to break it up. Everyone's stories are different from each other. Something happened that night and James claims that Elizabeth broke his cell phone, ripped his shirt and caused him physical injury. He has also added pain and suffering to his damages. 

The truly sad thing here is that James should be trying to help Veronica make up with her sister. Instead he seems to be fueling the fire. These two girls are so upset, they both find it hard to talk. in court. This is such an emotional case, even the Judge has to hold back tears. James is not helping matters at all by bringing this case to court. What a shame he is not supportive of his girlfriend. Hopefully Veronica realizes this and stands up to him. She needs to have the support to work things out with her sister. Elizabeth describes James as rude, controlling and arrogant. He certainly seems this way when he demanded the dad pay him $900.00 for damages from that night or he would sue. And then when he does sue, the amount increases to over $4000.00. This is not someone trying to help his girlfriend repair the relationship with her twin sister.

Since James has no evidence for anything he is suing for, the Judge rules in favor of Elizabeth. This family needs time and support to be able to work things out. I hope they can get the help they need. Good luck Veronica and Elizabeth. I hope you can be close again!

Kim And The Custody Battle
Kim is suing David for $3000.00. This is for expenses and emotional distress when her son did not come home after a month long visit with his father. Kim and David have a 12 year old son together. Two days before young David was to come home, his dad called and told Kim he was not returning. Kim went to family court and received a court order for the return of her son. She drove from Alabama to Michigan to pick up her son. When she got there, she went to the school and was denied the return of her son. The principal of the school and the police supported this position. Kim drove home without her son. Then Kim filed in court for full custody. Since David did not show up for the hearing, she won. David was given supervised visitation. This is probably a difficult thing to do since they live so far away from each other. David should have showed up for the hearing. He claims he could not afford it, actually he couldn't afford not to go. The custody arrangement might have worked out much differently if he would have showed up. Also, it would have showed his son that he was fighting for him.

Kim has no grounds to sue David for her expenses in trying to retrieve her son. They did not have a custody agreement before this incident occurred. Kim does not get money from David for travel expenses and does not get any money for emotional distress. She has caused this situation by not having a legal custody agreement with her son's father. David had no legal obligation to return young David to his mother. Looking back, he probably would have done things differently. The only person getting hurt in this situation is young David. It is so unfair to a 12 year old to be fought over by his parents in this way. It seems that Kim does not let father and son talk. In court, the Judge asked for young David's cell phone number and gave it to David. David is so happy now that he will be able to call his son. It is important for a father and son to be able to have a relationship. Distance makes this difficult to begin with, but the mother should not stand in the way! What do you think?

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I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends.
~Walt Whitman

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