Saturday, September 22, 2012

People's Court Blog - 9 19 2012 - Wednesday

Thank you very much to Carly from WeShouldntSing for the special guest blog on Tuesday.
I hope you had as much fun writing as I did reading.
I look forward to future guest blogs!

Ashley And The Stolen Check
Ashley is suing Ryeisha for $950.00. The two girls go to high school together. They have been friends for about a year. Ryeisha asked Ashley to cash a check for her from her uncle. Why couldn't the uncle cash the check? Ashley did not ask. She deposited the check and took out the money from the ATM to pay Ryeisha. She could not take the money out all at one time due to withdrawal limits. It took her three days to take out the $950.00 to give the money to Ryeisha. Soon after this, Ryeisha gave Ashley another check to cash. Ryeisha found a blank signed check at school. She picked it up, put her name on it and gave it to Ashley to cash.

What were these two girls getting themselves involved in? The school called Ryeisha's mom and told her there was video surveillance of Ryeisha picking up the check. They called Ashley and told her not to deposit it. She had already deposited it, but had not withdrawn the money yet.

The money she is being sued for is from the first check. Ryeisha says they split the money, Ashley says she gave all of the money to Ryeisha. Neither girl is telling the truth. It is very difficult to figure out what the truth is. There are text messages between the two girls, but even these messages do not make it clear how they split the money. The  Judge rules in favor of Ashley. Neither girl was innocent and hopefully they both learned from this experience.

Crystal And Her Kenneth Cole Coat
Crystal is suing a nightclub for $299.00. This is for the cost of her Kenneth Cole coat. Crystal went out for a night of fun with her friends. She made it very clear in her written answer to the complaint that she does not "do" clubs. The club's policy is that everyone check their coats. When a commotion occurred in the club, Crystal decided to leave. Crystal does not "do" commotion! The line was very long for the coats, so she asked if she could get her coat the next day. This is because she obviously does not "do" lines! Even though the claim check clearly states the club is not responsible for items left on the premises, she believes it is okay to leave her coat. When she returns to the club six days later to get her coat, they do not have it. She also does not have her claim check, but they let her look at the two coats that were there. Neither coat is hers. Crystal leaves and comes back with her husband and the claim check. Did she think her coat was going to materialize? The club manager offers her a bottle and a table. Crystal wants the money for her coat. The bottle they are offering her cost $300.00. She should have taken them up on their offer. They have no legal obligation to pay her for the coat. The statement on the claim check is very clear. The Judge finds in favor of the club. Crystal is not happy and believes one of the employees is wearing her coat. Crystal should have waited in line for her coat, it is time to "do" lines!

Darren And The Custom Made Pool Cover
Darren is suing Brian for $1396.41. This is for the cost of a custom pool cover. Brian is the friend of a friend. Darren is nice enough to help Brian clean the pool and get it ready for use. Brian asked Darren to order a cover for his pool. After Darren measured the pool, he called Brian and gave him two choices for the cover. Brian called him back and told him he wanted the one with the warranty. He very clearly knew that Darren was ordering the cover. Brian decides to go online and order a cheaper cover. Why would he do this? He leaves a message for Darren that a friend of his gave him a cover for the pool. Why does he lie? Brian is very unclear about the entire situation. He says he had three days to change his mind and then he says he did not have a contract. Which is it? Well, the Judge clears it up for him. He has to pay for the pool cover. Now he will have a custom made pool cover when the cheap one rips! 

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for joining me.

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A day without sunshine, is like, night.
~Steve Martin

I would like to apologize for the delay in this blog. Life has given me a few unexpected twists and turns. I am back now. Thank you for being patient. Again I would like to thank Carly from WeShouldntSing for her guest blog. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!

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